August, 12 2018

I got home last night, and my mom was able to let me borrow one of her heaters! I used that by my bed to help me sleep! I had another strange dream though, and I can remember almost every bit of it! It must be because I had the heater nearby helping me sleep better! In the dream, I was standing next to a lake, looking down at the water. I heard a bell ring several times, before a child's face replaced the relfection of mine in the water. She looked like a child, no older than 12. She reached her hand up towards me, out of the water. I took it, trying to pull her out of the water, but she pulled me in instead. I saw a flash of bright light, and I thought I was waking up from my dream to the sun shining on my face again. After a few moments, I opened my eyes again. I was standing in my room, except it wasn't? None of my stuff was in there, but it looked like someone else's. There were paintings on the wall, a corkboard with photos of a young, teenage girl on it. I stood there next for a few moments, trying to figure out what was going on, when the young child ran by into the room, followed by the older one. The younger one was holding the music box I found not too long ago. The both sat down on the floor in the middle of the room, opening the music box. I started to hear the melody it played, the same one I heard when I opened it. They started to take out some of the jewelry, talking about something I could not hear. The younger one seemed to glance over at me after a while, before quickly looking down. The older one paused, and didn't move for a few moments. I don't know why I felt like it, but a sense of dread filled me, as the room grew cold. She slowly looked over at me, her face now pale ans sunken in, her eyes missing. It scared me so much that I woke up! I'm writing it here, since it's faster and I want to jot it down somewhere before I forget something about it! I'll copy it into my dream journal later, and try to figure out what it meant! I'm guessing right now but maybe it has to do with the stress I'm having, and the fact I saw my little sister at the house yesterday! And those two got merged together in a weird dream!
